The beginning of a new month can only mean one thing…..
Monthly reflection.
October did not bring the cold weather I expected, so I spent a lot more time outside than I thought I would.
I took a bit of a breather from this page in September and reduced the days I posted from every day to a few times a week and this somehow trickled through into October, which wasn’t the plan.
I did start the month feeling motivated and had the right intentions, even deleting my to-do list, which is still very much in the bin. But as the month went on, my motivation seemed to slowly disappear, taking my good mood with it.
My focus for November is to work on my mental health. I always find this time of year to be a bit bumpy, possibly the darker evenings and mornings, even though I do enjoy them. My therapist also reminds me that the body remembers and over the years, there have been some negative events around this time of year.
It could also be the run-up to Christmas. I have started to find Christmas a bit bittersweet as I have got older, there are so many people that are no longer with us to celebrate, things change and sometimes it can be extremely stressful thinking about trying to catch up with everyone, get the house ready for Christmas and sort all the gifts out in between trying to stay on top of everyday life.
I always want to learn what works best for me and I mentioned yesterday that I will try a new supplement, Ashwagandha, yesterday that I am going to try a new supplement, Ashwagandha so I plan to keep you updated on that through November.
But let’s not dwell on that, I am putting steps in place to move away from the negative mindset I find myself currently in and one way to do that is to celebrate all the good things that October brought with it.
A spa break
The husband and I enjoyed a spa break and despite encountering my ex-husband, for the first time in 14 years, we had a really lovely time. I really felt like I needed a bit of a break. It also made me realise that bumping into my ex-husband didn’t bother me at all. I’m not sure how I expected to feel as it wasn’t something I have thought about in a long time, but feeling nothing was a pleasant and welcome surprise.
Morning walks
The morning walks are still going! Sometimes I have to psych myself up, but once I am out I never regret it and that’s something I need to remember. I would like to see a bit more weight loss from this so hopefully, that will come.
Drinking less alcohol
For those of you that know me, or have been reading my posts for a while, you will know that this has been something I have been talking about for a long time. In October I have driven to a couple of dinners, rather than getting taxis or staying over and I have still enjoyed my evening. When I do indulge in drinking alcohol, I rarely enjoy it so I hope to drink less as time goes on. I’m not sure I would ever go completely sober, but it’s not something I would rule out either.
Setting up my freelance website
Although I am a bit of a slow starter with my freelancing, I did get my website set up. I hadn’t planned to finish the whole thing, but once I got going, I found I rather enjoyed it.