The husband and I didn‘t make it to Greenwich Park on New Year’s Day. We settled for a 40-minute walk to our local park instead, with the Christmas cough still lingering, I think that worked out for the best.
We ended new years day in our usual fashion, with an Indian takeaway and I remind myself with every mouthful that I need to eat fewer takeaways in 2023.
On Monday, I finally felt like I got a decent night’s sleep, even though Toby did come and lay on my chest to wake me up. That bloody cat refuses to sit on my lap but will happily clamber all over me when he wants me to get up in the morning.
I get up feeling more normal than I have since before Christmas so I was looking forward to getting some stuff done.
Somehow that all goes out the window and I ended up spending another day lazing around in the chair. I do get some writing done but feel like I should have got myself out and about in the world.
I end the day feeling completely fed up and am glad that I have a counselling session tomorrow at 9 am giving me a reason to get up and go out.
Having woken up at 4 am after dreaming I was late for my counselling session, I found it a bit of a challenge waking up to an alarm on Tuesday.
I was feeling a bit better this morning, less coughy and after offloading to my counsellor, I felt much better mentally. I got home and gave the house a good clean and tidy and in the afternoon my brother, sister-in-law and niece came over to visit.
After they left, I felt my energy levels start to fade, I didn’t feel very well again, so I had a bath and put myself to bed nice and early in the hope that it would put me back to where I was earlier that morning.
After another broken sleep, caused by Toby deciding that he was cold and wanted to lie on my chest again at 4:30 am. I woke up with my throat feeling dry and sore.
I drifted in and out of sleep until I absolutely had to get up at 8:45 to go and have my lashes done. I felt better once I’d left Zoe, I popped to the post office to return a parcel and then home. As soon as I walked in the door the cloak of wellness fell away. I felt shit.
I went upstairs, got back in my pyjamas, put on my oodie, made a cup of tea, and sat down, nodding in and out of sleep after taking some flu tablets. This was not the plan!!!
My Law of Attraction planner arrives that afternoon, a day early, which boosts my mood somewhat and I spend an enjoyable afternoon setting goals for the year ahead.
In the evening, feeling motivated by all the goal-setting, I manage to summon up enough energy to take down the Christmas tree and go to bed feeling a sense of achievement.
Unfortunately, PMS arrived on Thursday and I spend most of the day feeling moody on top of feeling ill. Joy!
I decided an early night is in order, hoping a good night’s sleep will help. But of course, Toby the dickhead decided at 1:30 am to start doing impressions of a mountain goat by jumping and standing on me and jumping between me and the husband whilst we try to sleep.
The final straw comes when he decides to start knocking things over into the bath, he gets a swift telling off and the bedroom door gets closed. He really hates a closed door.
3 hours later I manage to get back to sleep and the husband brings me a cup of tea in bed at 9. I spend the morning planning my return to work next week.
The husband books our holiday to Greece for later this year in the afternoon. I’m so excited and determined to use this holiday as motivation to get myself healthy.
I just need to start feeling well again, please!!!