• 2024: It Wasn’t Pretty, But We Got There

    It’s been way too long since I’ve posted a blog! I’ve written so many but never taken the time to publish them for one reason or another.  So, I thought I’d squeeze in one last 2024 blog post and not break the tradition of sharing my end-of-year reflection. I thought…

  • How I Edited the “Me” Out of This Is Still Me

    Last Sunday, I was bored.  I’d had a busy week and was really looking forward to having an entire weekend with the husband. We haven’t had a weekend of no plans since before our holiday in July. We were going to pop out to a few places, nothing too exciting,…

  • Reflect, Refresh, Reset: Findings from February

    February whizzed by in its usual whirlwind fashion, didn’t it? It feels like just last week, we were waving goodbye to January, and now here we are, welcoming spring with open arms. As I sit down to reflect on the past month, I can’t help but feel like I’m scrambling…

  • Reality Check: New Year, Same Me

    Hello lovelies, Before I return to my usual posts, I decided it wouldn’t be a January post if I didn’t start the year with some self-reflection. 2023 certainly wasn’t my worst year, but it wasn’t exactly my best. On the plus side, I learned A LOT about myself, mainly through…

  • Grand Schemes vs Actual Scenes

    I am writing this after having about 3 hours of sleep. I feel like a zombie! So, I hope this all makes sense. I’ve been feeling my usual mixed emotions over the last few weeks. I’ve felt hurt, making me want to retreat, which was fortunate as that’s what I…