I’m back!
I took a short break from posting on my blog page as I could feel overwhelm creeping back in. I was beginning to question if I was writing anything of value, I was finding myself panic-posting things because I wanted to keep the blog alive and I was starting to lose sight of why I was even doing this all in the first place.
I even toyed with the idea of scrapping this page altogether and starting a fresh new blog page, but I decided that before I make any drastic changes, I would find out what people want to read. So I posted a survey, I needed to see firstly if anyone was reading at all and secondly, what they wanted to read.
I now feel I have a bit of a better understanding of what I want to do with this page and I’m hoping to also try out some new ideas, so I will continue to include the survey link in my posts for a while as I really do want your feedback.
I have, of course, still been writing and I have decided that rather than scramble to post every day, I would write some posts and once I have a few posts in the bank, I would start posting again basing the content on the survey results, which so far tells me:
- The majority of you see my posts on Facebook & Instagram.
- The posts you enjoy the most are My Week & My Weekly Intentions
- The posts you enjoy the least are the Sharing posts from other Medium writers.
- The majority of you would like to see my posts a few times a week
- The most popular days of the week to read my posts were Tuesdays & Thursdays
- The most popular time of day you prefer to see my posts is before 9 am
So for the time being, I am going to post My Weekly Intentions on Tuesdays, another post on Thursdays and My Week on Saturdays. If you want any of the above to change, you can give your feedback here, in the 2-minute, anonymous survey.
I will also send these posts out via my substack newsletter on Sundays, as I would like to build my email list. I enjoy creating the newsletters and think I would like to spend a bit more time on this, as I did when I first began sending them.
If you would like to sign up to that, you can do that here
Although I have taken a break from posting on this page, I have been rather busy. I’ve been working on a company’s newsletter, helping set up a new company, including creating a company logo for them, which I had a lot of fun with. I plan to promote my freelance company a lot more in the New Year, I just wanted to get a few things under my belt to add to my portfolio.
So if you, or anyone you know could use my services, send them over to my website
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