Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Why do I keep having dreams about random people from my past? Anyone know? I’ve tried looking it up, but to no avail.
The random dreams leave me feeling tired, I think they disturbed my sleep.
my friend messages saying he loved the lost connections book I sent him, he’s finished it already! I need to catch up.
As the afternoon rolls round, my mind begins to wander. I want wine, I want a takeaway, I think if I hadn’t had the good sense to plan my lunches for the week I probably would have eaten crap. What is it about the mid week slump? I don’t want to keep falling into the same trap, what do I do? I know, I’ll post on the mind your fitness group page. I would usually avoid doing this and then order a takeaway and drink a bottle of wine, but that’s not the way I want to be. I want to change.
I post in group, I’m not much of a poster about myself, I just check in weekly and share useful things I find. I don’t really find it easy to be honest with myself let alone a group of people I don’t really know. I post, I don’t really expect much, I mean everyone their own stuff going on.
A short while later, a weird noise comes from my iPad, ooh I have a call via Facebook, never had this before. It’s one of the ladies from the group. We’d been on another group together before Christmas.
I answer and she gives me some great advice, we chat away for about 20 minutes, it’s actually really nice. I come off the call feeling loads better. Then I see I have some responses in the group, all of them giving great advice, some of it you know, but sometimes you just need reminding, someone else to push that devil off of your shoulder.
I had some alcohol free beer and my Gousto meal. No wine, no takeaway! I went to bed feeling so pleased with myself. Next time I feel like that, I will remember the advice I received and probably post in the group, amazing support!
@kristy_mindyourfitness #Lifestyle #Blogging #SelfCare #SelfLove #Positivity #Wellness #blog #blogger #bloggers #blogpost #progress #motivation #goals #health #transformation #inspiration #lifestyle #mindset #success #inspiration #goals #coaching #mindfulness #positivevibes #coach #believe #happiness #focus #inspire #mindyourfitness #mindyourmind
2020-06-03 10:26:00