• Have I Solved The Mystery Behind My Mood Swings?

    I had such a lovely weekend last weekend. I drove over to see my nan and grandad on Saturday morning, where we discussed the Harry & Meghan situation, then I went to visit my brother and niece, where I ate play doh burgers and went shopping at her toy supermarket,…

  • 4 Of My Favourite Podcasts Over The Last Few Months

    I absolutely LOVE podcasts. What started off as a way to feed my true crime obsession, turned into an unquenchable thirst for knowledge in all areas of life. I listen to podcasts whilst I’m working (I’m listening to one right now!) I listen to them when I’m driving when I’m…

  • 3 Healthy Habits I Have Started and Enjoyed This Week

    I’ll be honest, when I set my intentions for last week, I was feeling full of January motivation. As the week went on, my body aching from the surprise of exercise and a night out on the sauce with the bestie, saw that motivation rapidly diminish. So when I sat…

  • Jumping Head First Into 2023 – A Great First Week

    It was my first week back to reality. The Christmas cough was almost gone and I felt the most human I had in ages. I spent the weekend planning for the week ahead, I was determined to not waste my days scrolling on social media. I want to move forward…

  • 5 Of The Best Books I Enjoyed In 2022

    I managed to read 31 books in 2022. It was a bit short of my goal of 50, but it’s still a few books a month. I read some of my fave authors and was introduced to some new faves, so here are my top 5. Last One At The…

  • A Hopeful Letter From The Past To My Future Self

    For the last couple of years, I have written a letter to myself using futureme. I shared my first letter in one my of Substack newsletters last year. I then wrote myself another letter to be delivered to my email on New Years’ Day 2023, here’s what I wrote; Dear…