I had such a lovely weekend last weekend. I drove over to see my nan and grandad on Saturday morning, where we discussed the Harry & Meghan situation, then I went to visit my brother and niece, where I ate play doh burgers and went shopping at her toy supermarket,…
I absolutely LOVE podcasts. What started off as a way to feed my true crime obsession, turned into an unquenchable thirst for knowledge in all areas of life. I listen to podcasts whilst I’m working (I’m listening to one right now!) I listen to them when I’m driving when I’m…
I’ll be honest, when I set my intentions for last week, I was feeling full of January motivation. As the week went on, my body aching from the surprise of exercise and a night out on the sauce with the bestie, saw that motivation rapidly diminish. So when I sat…
It was my first week back to reality. The Christmas cough was almost gone and I felt the most human I had in ages. I spent the weekend planning for the week ahead, I was determined to not waste my days scrolling on social media. I want to move forward…
I managed to read 31 books in 2022. It was a bit short of my goal of 50, but it’s still a few books a month. I read some of my fave authors and was introduced to some new faves, so here are my top 5. Last One At The…
I was excited to use my new LOA planner this week. After my “trial run” week the first week of January, last week, I was raring to go and my intentions reflected that. Start an SEO course Before Christmas, I signed up for an SEO course. You do it in…
The husband and I didn‘t make it to Greenwich Park on New Year’s Day. We settled for a 40-minute walk to our local park instead, with the Christmas cough still lingering, I think that worked out for the best. We ended new years day in our usual fashion, with an…
I’m one of “those” people who is glad Christmas is out of the way. I did have a really lovely time though. We spent Xmas eve visiting my Nan & grandad and my brother & sister in law came with my niece, who gave me lots of lovely cuddles. In…
In the age of social media, it can be a battle to have your company found amongst the competition. With forever-changing algorithms, your posts are not always seen by the people that need the information you are sharing. That’s why I’m here to talk about the wonders of a company…
For the last couple of years, I have written a letter to myself using futureme. I shared my first letter in one my of Substack newsletters last year. I then wrote myself another letter to be delivered to my email on New Years’ Day 2023, here’s what I wrote; Dear…