I’m back! I took a short break from posting on my blog page as I could feel overwhelm creeping back in. I was beginning to question if I was writing anything of value, I was finding myself panic-posting things because I wanted to keep the blog alive and I was…
I always struggle at this time of year. Christmas is coming and there is always a lot to think about. As much as I would love to enjoy the festive season as I once did, I just don’t anymore. It always feels like I need to be in a thousand…
I started this week off feeling flutters of excitement. I finally feel like I have more of a sense of direction, a rough plan and an idea of where I am going. It’s nice to feel alive and have a feeling of purpose. I worked on my newsletter last week…
I’ve been so lucky to have been able to spend so much time working on my blog this year. I have put a lot of effort into improving my writing and growing this page and over the last couple of years, it has become my baby. Unfortunately, it does not…
Given how I have been feeling lately, I thought it fitting to share some of the good advice from some of my fellow Medium writers about self-care. 5 Benefits Of Going To Therapy by Daniella Cressman “therapy can help you heal the wounds of your past if you dare to…
I had something different that I was going to write for today’s post, but given how I have been feeling lately, I thought it better to address the elephant in the room with me, instead of trying to hide from it. If you’re a regular reader, you will know that…
After a rather warm October, November has brought cold and rain. The days are getting shorter and we are wanting to spend more and more time inside, in the warm. If you’re feeling a bit bored of being inside already, and are looking for some ideas for things to do with…
I won’t lie to you, I’m struggling! My head is spinning, my self-care has gone completely out the window, and I am now feeling a bit under the weather. So this week, I decided to press pause and use my intentions to have a little reset to get myself back…
If you like a drama based on a true story Watch SAS Rogue Heroes on BBC One. It tells the story of how the SAS came to be. I absolutely loved this program, I’m not generally a fan of programs or films about war but this had me gripped. If you prefer…
Last weekend was unexpectedly alcohol filled. I didn’t go anywhere or do anything, I just drank at home with the husband. On Friday he was supposed to go out with friends but that didn’t happen, so after my busy week, I joined him in a Friday night glass of wine…