• Motivated Monday

    Monday 13th May Very disturbed sleep last night, not as disturbing as my dreams though. One of them was me crying over a book about animal cruelty and P Diddy was in the same place and came and cheered me up. I mean WTF? I didn’t even have any cheese…

  • Life is NOT a fairytale

    I have recently come to believe that some of the issues we have with our mental health is caused by what we see growing up. I’m actually not talking about the bad stuff, I’m talking about the good stuff, our escape, TV, Magazines, Books. How great does everything seem? Everyone…

  • Actions speak louder than words

    After my recent post I went on to think a bit more about everything, I mean nothing like a bit of overthinking right? Another thing that’s been playing on my very annoying mind lately is that I feel like I love my boyfriend more than he loves me, I know…

  • 90 Day SSS Plan – Cycle two. Hello Carbs!

    I started the dreaded C2 this week, I say dreaded as on all of the Facebook groups, I see people complaining about this cycle the most. Some people are saying you tend to get more bloated. This is obviously down to the fact that on this cycle,  you have three carb…

  • Friend or Foe?

    I have this friend, we used to be really close, we went through a lot together, however the last few years I have become more and more frustrated as our friendship seems to have become very one-sided. Around the time I moved out of the area, she had her first…

  • About me.

    I’m Clare – proud Cat Mother ‍⬛, devoted Book Lover , certified Wine drinker , and self-proclaimed Overthinker . On my blog, I navigate through the adventurous 40s. From Marriage to Step-Parenting, Perimenopause to launching my own business – I’m telling it all. I ride the highs and weather the…

  • Why I Won’t Be Setting New Year’s Resolutions In January

    After taking some much-needed downtime, I feel refreshed and ready to get back to it. The Decembers of Christmas past were spent preparing for the numerous Christmas nights out I have organised. Eating and drinking with reckless abandon through the entire month of December, telling myself I will “be good”…