• Deep breaths

    Monday 8th June 2020 Monday again, what better way to start the day than with an email from my boss listing what I need to do that day? I take some deep breaths, I will not let him get to me, I will not let him ruin my day. By…

  • Real Housewives obsessed.

    Sunday 7th June 2020 I wake up early today, typical for a Sunday, although I did go to bed early last night. I start the day with my new obsession, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I only take a break to watch my mind your fitness videos for the week.…

  • Special Saturday

    Saturday 6th June 2020 Today is a pretty special day, today for the first time in years, I can get up and sit in my living room on a weekend when we have the kids. Usually they are up early playing the computer in the living room, but now their…

  • Staying in is the new going out

    Friday 5th June 2020 I enjoy sleeping late this morning, I’m so tired. My boss is in a meeting first thing and he’s off this afternoon, so I can afford a little extra time. I make the decision to skip breakfast and save my calories for the much awaited Friday…

  • Return of the Baz

    I’ve noticed something about my anxiety, which in turn brings Barry back. I’ve noticed that it seems to return when I have a lot going on or stress happening in my life. Thinking about it now it’s hardly a revelation, but previously I’d been so caught up in my thoughts…

  • Cycle One, Round Two

    I haven’t been on here for a while, what with a busy calendar, the last month or so has been a bit of a blur, which sadly hindered my 90 day plan further. As you have probably already seen, since starting the plan back in March, I have torn a…

  • How I Overcame Another Painful Battle With Self Doubt

    It’s been a couple of weeks since I last wrote anything for this page. I’ve been trying to work on my business, but if I’m honest, I’ve been doing more overthinking than actual work. Somewhere along the way, I seem to have lost my self-belief. I spend my days dancing…

  • Once Again My Body Reminds Me To Make Time For Relaxation

    Why haven’t I learned my lesson? Last Friday morning, whilst scrolling through my phone, I was thinking about what a crappy year a lot of people were having. 2022 seemed to have brought some terrible luck for some. I then began to reflect on my 2022 and realised that a…