• Food prep

    Determined to have a better week this week and I know planning helps, even better having food ready to go, so this is how I spent most of my day #food #foodporn #foodie #instafood #foodphotography #yummy #delicious #love #foodstagram #healthyfood #tasty #healthy #breakfast #lunch #dinner #snack #gousto 2020-06-14 11:41:00

  • Unnecessary Anxiety

    Saturday 20th June 2020 Another Saturday, another early wake up, I’m talking before 5am! I decide to weigh in and measure, scales are up measurements are down, all is not lost. I need to make myself tired, I need more sleep, so I have crumpets and take myself back to…

  • My prayers have been answered

    Friday 19th June 2020 You might want to get a tea/coffee/wine for this one. Only today to get through, this is my mantra for the day. Just stay awake for as long as possible. I spend the morning replying to some WhatsApp’s, I’ve been MIA this week and I feel…

  • More sleep

    Thursday 18th June 2020 Why the bloody hell have I woken up feeling like this? My eyelids feel like lead. I was in bed before 8pm for gods sake!!! I come downstairs and complain to the husband, he tells me he doesn’t think it’s a good idea going on a…

  • Drained

    Wednesday 17th June 2020 I manage to tear myself away from my bed to log on, I have the afternoon booked off but I really cannot face the drive over to Essex to the doctors, I feel so drained still. I cancel the appointment, vowing to rebook when I feel…

  • Am I being drugged

    Tuesday 16th June 2020 I wake up feeling worse, is the husband secretly drugging me? Is my boiler faulty and I have carbon monoxide poisoning? I text my boss telling him I’m still not right and go back to sleep. I sleep until 10:45am, which is so late for me,…

  • I can’t even

    Monday 15th June 2020 I wake up feeling like I’ve been drugged. I begrudgingly manage to tear myself out of bed and go downstairs to fire up my laptop.My eyelids feel like they are made of lead. I log on to find that I have a 121 with my boss…

  • Wonderful weekend

    Sunday 14th June 2020 I have today all planned out. I’m going to organise myself for the week. I get the kitchen cleaned and tidied so that I can make lunch in a nice mess free kitchen. I have my lovely double carbs lunch in the garden, I try and…

  • Welcome the weekend

    Saturday 13th June 2020 I wake up feeling fresh and motivated, it’s a new week! I weigh and measure, unsurprised at the increase in the numbers, but happy in the knowledge that I’m doing something about it and I am learning everyday. Patience is not my virtue, but I will…

  • Planning a plan

    Friday 12th June 2020 I fell asleep on the sofa last night, I really can’t be bothered with work and I spend some time debating whether to call in sick or not, I just can’t be dealing with my boss today. The decision is made for me when someone from…