How One Email Redefined My Perspective on Self-Worth

Hello lovelies,

Last week, I read something in Amanda Goetz’s Life’s a Game weekly newsletter that really struck me.

It’s no secret to my regular readers that I suffer from low self-esteem and self-doubt. Since starting HRT, things have improved, but I’m still working through it with my therapist.

When I read Amanda’s email, her message hit me hard. I’ve seen similar quotes before but never truly understood their meaning until now. Thanks to Amanda, it finally clicked, and I want to share it with you.

I will paraphrase, but if you’d like Amanda’s detailed explanation, which I highly recommend, you can subscribe here.

Imagine This Scenario

  • You’ve arranged to catch up with someone you care about.
  • You get to the venue, sit down, look at the menu, maybe even order a drink.
  • 15 minutes later, they’re still not there.
  • Then you receive a text saying they’re not coming. There’s no emergency; they say this catch-up isn’t their priority.

How would you feel? Raging? Hurt? Like you don’t matter to them?

The Realisation

What if I told you both people in this story were you? Let me explain:

  • I prioritise plans to catch up with people I care about.
  • But when I set time aside for myself, like exercising, doing my nails, or simply resting, I rarely stick to it.
  • Without realising it, I’m telling myself I don’t matter. No wonder my self-esteem is on the floor.

A Change in Perspective

Since reading Amanda’s email, I’ve thought about it a lot. I flagged it and kept it in my otherwise empty inbox, rereading it several times. Each time, it blows my mind.

I decided that when I plan my weeks going forward, the things I schedule for myself are the priority.


Everyone benefits when I look after myself. I’m a better wife, stepmother, daughter, sister, auntie, and friend. I’m a better person to everyone I encounter.

I have already made some small but significant changes, such as

  • Instead of watching Real Housewives of New Jersey in the morning, I exercise (sometimes while still watching RHONJ – win-win!).
  • Instead of putting off doing my nails because I can’t be bothered to walk upstairs, I just do it.

Not a single time that I did something for myself did I regret it, but did I feel better for it? Every. Single. Time. 

A Daily Reminder

To remind myself of this important message every day, I created this image on CANVA. You can use it as a screensaver, print it, or put it on a wall. Feel free to use it ❤️

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