Given how I have been feeling lately, I thought it fitting to share some of the good advice from some of my fellow Medium writers about self-care.
5 Benefits Of Going To Therapy by Daniella Cressman
“therapy can help you heal the wounds of your past if you dare to allow it to and are willing to traverse the trauma you may hold and the difficulty of facing your deepest emotions and changing your bad habits”
Do Something Today Your Future Self Will Thank You For by Isabel Knight
“Research has shown that we see our future selves as different people. That’s why we leave that mountain of dishes for tomorrow. Our tomorrow selves are different people.”
Focus On Yourself by Vidya Sury
“You are your biggest commitment, so start loving your flaws, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your intensity, your vulnerability, your everything.”
How To Stop Overthinking Before It Becomes Uncontrollable by Darshak Rana
“My mind would slip into the auto-thinking mode, making me feel low — emotionally, mentally, physically, and psychologically.”
13 Simple and Practical Ways to Fall in Love With Your Life Again by Ruchi Thalwal
“Every human’s thirst is not for money, position, or relations. It might give temporary relief. But the ultimate desire each human is craving is to experience their eternal true nature.”
Thank you all for sharing your words of wisdom ❤️