I’ve been dancing between exhaustion and bursts of energy this week and it’s been a struggling to get myself into gear at times, so I found it a little more difficult than I normally do to come up with 3 positive things this week.
It’s not because there haven’t been lots of positive things happening, I just had to have a long hard think about it.
Here’s what went well this week.
Morning Walks
I’ve been getting myself out every morning for a 3.5 mile walk, I’ve even been out in the pouring rain. On Monday I decided I would go out at midday to see if that worked better, but I definitely benefit more when I go out first thing.
The Husband
During my whirlwind of a week, the husband was there to support me when I needed it. Giving hugs when I needed them, bringing cups of tea, cans of Coke Zero and sorting my tyres and oil on my car out for me as I have a long journey to drive this weekend.
An evening with my friend.
I went to my friends on Wednesday evening and we had a good old catch up and loads of bottles of wine. It was just what I needed after another intense counselling session, we barely stopped to take a breath all evening and it was great!
What went well for you this week? ❤️