Small steps, daily.
Set up a LinkedIn profile
This week, I am going to set up a LinkedIn profile for my writing. I’m feeling quite nervous about this as although I have been writing this blog for 5 years now, I don’t have any “work experience” when it comes to writing.
It feels a bit like a catch-22 situation as I may not get writing work with no experience, but how can I get experience if no one will hire me?
Well, no one is going to know anything about me if I don’t put anything out there so this will be a good step in the right direction.
Incorporate some movement into my days.
I need to find something I enjoy to get me moving more. I’m feeling overweight and unfit and the exercises I have done in the past seem like such a chore, so this week I am getting up, getting my happy playlist on and I am going to have a little dance for a few songs. I think I’ll enjoy starting the day like that.
Finish the online SEO course
I started this course a couple of weeks ago but have only completed the first module. I’ve re-jigged my daily routine and planned my week out a bit better so this should hopefully give me time to get that finished this week. This will be something I can then put into practice and add to my skills on LinkedIn.
What are your intentions for the coming week? ♥️