I’ll be honest, when I set my intentions for last week, I was feeling full of January motivation. As the week went on, my body aching from the surprise of exercise and a night out on the sauce with the bestie, saw that motivation rapidly diminish.
So when I sat down to set my intentions this week, my drive for self-improvement was back with a vengeance, I decided that I needed to re-think my plan of action and somehow incorporate that into my intentions for the week.
Remove alcohol
I know by now that if there is alcohol in my day or evening, it is going to affect my mindset. So I decided to remove it through the week because those are the days I need to be working and working out. If I feel like it at the weekend when I am in Hereford, then that is fine as I am there to relax, but if there is work or exercise on the agenda, alcohol will not be.
Be conscious about my consumption
I hate counting calories, I keep hearing more and more about how there is little evidence that this works in the long term. Instead, I want to try and consume less processed food and eat more natural foods. I have Gousto meals for dinner, which are pretty healthy but for some reason, my body has wanted sugar this past week, so much so, that I think I could have honestly eaten a spoonful of sugar to stop this. Instead, I had cups of tea and options hot chocolate to ease those cravings.
Exercise 3 times
Last week, I managed a strength training session and an online body attack class. I had planned to do more, but as I mentioned, the alcohol took over. This week, I took that excuse out of the equation and even though, some mornings I didn’t feel like it, I exercised. Monday-Thursday I moved my body and it really did help, I now want to make this a regular part of my daily life.
What are your intentions for this week?