Baby steps are still steps.
After a rocky November, I have tiptoed into December and feel like I am slowly unfurling into a much happier mindset.
I realise that when I set my intentions each month, week or day, I don’t need to get it all done in that first hour. Making small baby steps is the way forward, easing that pressure.
I am now due to set my intentions & goals for the next five weeks and I’m quite excited. Here they are.
Improve my portfolio
There are so many things I want to achieve but one thing that is particularly important to me is to get my freelancing fully off the ground and flying.
So it makes sense that my first intention for the next 5 weeks is based around that.
I have drafted a newsletter for a company, so I want to get that finalised and sent out to the customers, I can then add this to my portfolio.
I am also involved with the set-up of a new building company and will be creating a website for them, as well as their email system and templates so I can’t wait to get stuck in.
Walk the walk
I didn’t just take a break from blogging, I took a break from my daily walks too and I have missed them. I want to get myself into a regular walking routine again.
I always feel better after some time outside by myself, my head feels clearer and I often have some good ideas whilst I’m out and about. Maybe I’ll even allow the husband to join me for a nice winter walk occasionally.
Love the skin I’m in
Another thing that seems to have slipped lately is my skincare routine. I don’t really wear much makeup these days unless I’m going out somewhere, but I still maintained a skincare routine in the morning and evening. It always felt nice going to sleep with a face full of beautiful-smelling products.
I’ve come to realise that for me, self-care is essential and by doing small things like walking and having a skincare routine, I am showing myself that I am worthy not only to others but to myself.
What intentions would you like to set for the next 5 weeks? ♥️
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