Happy New Year! 🥳
2025 is here, and if the social media posts were anything to go by, most people are glad to see the back of 2024, myself included.
It’s funny because we all know we are the same people dealing with the same problems. Our troubles don’t vanish as soon as the clock strikes twelve. Yet, for many of us, the new year brings hope. Hope of less of what didn’t make the last year great, like grief and sadness, and hope of more good things, hope that life will be happier, full of joy, fun, laughter and all the things and people we love.
Now, it may be my age, perimenopause or simply the fact that I had my first sober New Year’s Eve in about 25 years and haven’t touched a drop since Christmas Day, but I do believe there is a lesson in everything somewhere. Sometimes, it might not be obvious, and sometimes, the lessons are harsh, but I’ve learned to try and look for them once the dust has settled.
For the last couple of years, I’ve had to make a lot of changes because my body is changing, and therefore, I have to change along with it. Of course, I didn’t go down without a fight! I resisted it with everything I had! But the lesson, I realised towards the end of last year, was that not only did I have to change, but I wanted to change.
I want to step tentatively out of my comfort zone, say yes to more things and say no to the things I know will not serve me. I want to spend more time with the husband, my family and my friends, but I want to be fully present. I want to be me, a happy, confident me. Not only do the people I care about deserve that, but I deserve that, too.
I want to look after myself in ways that I never really cared about before. I’ve always wanted to lose weight to wear nice things, but now, I want to exercise and eat better to be healthy, and the weight loss that may or may not come with that will be an added bonus.
I want to prioritise myself not to the detriment of others, as I have led myself to believe, but for their benefit as well as my own.
So here’s to 2025 – and every moment that follows. Let’s stop merely existing and start truly living. ❤️
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